Steve the Bike Guy - 10 Year Anniversary - Click for our home page.

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Two ways to share your experience

The National Bicycle Dealers Association of America (NBDA) wants to hear from riders about their favorite shop! As was the case last year, you can only vote for ONE shop, and the one with the most votes in our category (single location) will be named the People’s Choice.

We recognize the likelihood that we will win a People’s Choice Award is fairly slim (remember it’s of ALL the bicycle shops in the nation). So while we would be grateful for your vote, we would also understand if you decided to vote for, let’s say, a large local chain with a more realistic chance of winning.

That’s not to say there isn’t a very meaningful way you can share your experience working with STBG – leave a review on our Google My Business page. As you may know, leaving reviews is a great way to support a local business by helping raise awareness and drive traffic.

As always, we appreciate the support of your customers, neighbors, and friends!