Cycling Together

For over 25 years, Kristin and Steve have been cycling together – keeping things rolling over roads and trails as they also navigated marriage, kids, and careers.

Now, we are inviting you to join the ride as we share our experiences, insight and advice for anyone who does, or wants to, ride a bike.

Cycling Together with Kristin & Steve is a production of Steve the Bike Guy and Sundin Marketing.

Cycling Together with Kristin and Steve

Episode 3 – Fat Bikes are Fun

The snow is falling, and our thoughts turn towards dusting off our fat bikes! Kristin and Steve roll back to the early days of the Shop when the introduction of fat bikes and our then-partnership marked an important turning point. During our conversation we talk about our bikes – a Surly Wednesday and Surly Ice Cream Truck – as well as share information about bikes, components, tubeless tires and riding fat.

We also share listener comments and questions related to indoor riding, as well as the first in a segment we are calling “Doom or Boon – Spotted while scrolling.”
